wtorek, 28 sierpnia 2018

How to add reCaptcha to Angular 5 Spring Boot app

Here are a few steps how to add Google reCaptcha to JHipster app.

Let's assume that you have already a domain - it’s not possible to do it in test environment.

And choose reCaptcha v.2 [Validate requests with the “I’m not a robot” checkbox].

You’ll get site key like ‘6LfedWkUhkjgkyUGkjhg1OxiWuJVu7_2PWnFID68’.

In index.html file add:

<script src='https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=explicit" async defer'></script>

In register.component.html file add:

<div #recaptchaDiv></div>


<button type="submit" [disabled]="registerForm.form.invalid" class="btn btn-primary" jhiTranslate="register.form.button">Register</button>


<button type="submit" [disabled]="registerForm.form.invalid || !recaptchaVerified" class="btn btn-primary" jhiTranslate="register.form.button">Register</button>

In register.component.ts file add on top:

  recaptchaVerified: boolean;
  errormsg: string;
  @ViewChild('recaptchaDiv') recaptchaDiv: ElementRef;
  private _reCaptchaId: number;
  private SITE_ID = '6LfedWkUhkjgkyUGkjhg1OxiWuJVu7_2PWnFID68';
  window['onloadCallback'] = this.onloadCallback.bind(this);

In ngOnInit() add:
this.recaptchaVerified = false;

Then add 3 methods:

  onloadCallback(response) {
//    console.log('verifyCallback=' + response);
    const grecaptcha = (window as any).grecaptcha;
    if (grecaptcha) {
      this._reCaptchaId = grecaptcha.render(this.recaptchaDiv.nativeElement, {
        'sitekey': this.SITE_ID,
        'callback': (resonse) => this.reCapchaSuccess(resonse),
        'expired-callback': () => this.reCapchaExpired()

  reCapchaSuccess(data: any) {
    if (data) {
//      console.log('Congratulation! reCAPTCHA verified.');
      this.recaptchaVerified = true;

  reCapchaExpired() {
//    console.log('Oops! reCAPTCHA expired.');
    this.recaptchaVerified = false;

Thanks to: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48902711/how-to-add-recaptcha-in-angular-2-application