piątek, 23 września 2016

How to create new JHipster project with MySQL or MariaDB

Step 1

Create new project catalog.

Step 2

Go to this folder and run:

yo jhipster

It will create all necessary files and folders.

Step 3

In my case I use MariaDB for development and production. [For MySQL should be the same]
Create new database and user [i.e. in phpMyAdmin].

Configure database access in files:



Fill your access data in section:

        type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
        url: jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/barfitter
        name: barfitter
        username: barfitter
        password: ************

In /pom.xml fill your access data in section:


Step 4

Create new entities:
yo jhipster:entity newEntityName

Step 5

Run project:

Step 6

Run browsersync:

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