I created new menu entry like this:
On new page - authorization.html I want to list two entities generated by JHipster:
- productDelivered
- category
I created /src/main/webapp/app/authorization/ folder. I copied there files from /src/main/webapp/app/entities/product-delivered/:
- product-delivereds.html
- product-delivered.state.js
- product-delivered.service.js
- product-delivered.controller.js
and changed their names from product-delivered to authorization and some instances of product-delivered inside of these files as well.
In authorization.controller.js added Category:
In authorization.controller.js added Category:
(function() { 'use strict'; angular .module('barfitterApp') .controller('AuthorizationController', AuthorizationController); AuthorizationController.$inject = ['$scope', '$state', 'Authorization', 'ProductDelivered', 'Category', 'ProductDeliveredSearch', 'ParseLinks', 'AlertService', 'pagingParams', 'paginationConstants']; function AuthorizationController ($scope, $state, Authorization, ProductDelivered, Category, ProductDeliveredSearch, ParseLinks, AlertService, pagingParams, paginationConstants) {
vm.categories = [];
Category.query(function(result) { vm.categories = result; });
and in authorization.html added at the bottom content from category.html
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