How to show different content based on URL in JHipster 4
I have category-dialog.component.html and category-dialog.component.ts.
In category.component.html, there is a list of categories with buttons Add subcategory and Edit. Both refer to category-dialog.component.
Add subcategory:
[routerLink]="['/', { outlets: { popup: 'barfitter-category/'+ + '/newsub'} }]"
[routerLink]="['/', { outlets: { popup: 'barfitter-category/'+ + '/edit'} }]"
I needed different content in each.
In category-dialog.component.ts added:
On top:
import {Router} from '@angular/router';
On top of class:
location = '' ;
constructor( public activeModal: NgbActiveModal, private jhiAlertService: JhiAlertService, private categoryService: CategoryService, private eventManager: JhiEventManager, private _router : Router ) { this.location = _router.url; }
Then in category-dialog.component.html added:
<div *ngIf="_router.url.includes('newsub')">Show me something</div>
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